Saturday, November 27, 2010

holiday hectic

This has been one of the most hectic weeks of all. I had 2 very large papers to write, a thanks giving dinner to make, and black Friday all in one week. I have got the grade back on one of my papers and I did extremely well. My dinner went good, I made a turkey and a few sides then took some turkey to my mom's house and picked up some sides from her. There are only 3 of us here and 2 at her house so there was no need for both of us to make a big dinner. Black Friday was great. Me, my mom, and my neighbor went out and scored on some great deals. We went to Walmart first which wasn't so bad. The bad part was that it snowed here and we had to stand outside another store for 3 hours. I have been fighting chest and head congestion for 2 weeks, needless to say, it is now worse. Anyway, that is my update for the week. I hope everyone had a happy and safe week.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

another hectic week.

Another hectic week has passed. I spent 2 days running around with and for a friend of mine. First of all, her fiance went to jail one evening this week. I had to sit with her and her kids all evening so that I could help her make phone calls and watch her kids when she was on the phone. Then I had to come home (across the street), put my daughter in bed, take her to bail her fiance out of jail, take her to work, then bring him home before I could come home and go to sleep for the night. It was almost midnight by the time I got done with all of those errands.
The next morning I had to get up, take my daughter to daycare where she catches the bus to go to school. After that I went to work for a couple of hours. I couldn't work long because I had to take off to take my friend to the next town over to get her car out of impound. I had to run her to her fiances work to get money from him, take her to the PD to sign the paper, then I had to take her to the impound yard to drop her off. By this time it was about 3:20 and I had to be back in town to pick my daughter plus her two kids up from school. Keep in mind that her 2 kids go to 2 different schools and they both have to be picked up AT 4 o'clock. I drove as fast as I could without getting pulled over or being a danger to anyone.
That same night, the same friend received a phone call saying that her step daughter had been hurt and she needed to borrow my car to drive 3 towns in the other direction to take her to the doctor. While she was gone with my car, I watched her 3 kids for her. Yes, she has 3 children. She has 2 in school and one in a bassinet.
After that I swore that I was going to get 1 peaceful evening at home with just my fiance and my daughter. The very next day my phone rang nonstop. First I had a friend call and ask if I would keep her grand daughter over night for her because she had to work. About an hour later I get a phone call from yet another friend asking if I would watch her kids for about an hour. Not 20 minutes after I got off of the phone with he second friend, the first one called me back and asked if I would mind keeping her grandson as well because she couldn't find a sitter for him. So I went from having a quiet evening at home to having 5 kids running through my home.
If I don't get a quiet day soon, I think I will by a really big box of Calgon, pour it into my bathwater and ask it to take me far, far, far away. Things have not been so bad these last couple of days as far as my friends and kids are concerned. However, with all of these wedding plans and trying to get on the TV show, things are still hectic. Maybe for my honeymoon I will go away all by myself and just sleep for a week. That sounds nice.
BTW I don't know what time this is going to show as posted, but it is now 12:32 am on 11-17-2010 CT.


This week has been a really big week for us. Last week we went and ordered our wedding rings. We went with a beautiful silver bridal trio. We had decided to forget about doing it next year and just get married this Friday evening at the city park. Monday morning we went to the courthouse before work and got our marriage license. While we were at work we got a phone call from the store saying that our rings were in. Then of all things, CMT (country music television) calls me out of no where and asks if me and my fiance had got married yet? We had contacted them a couple of years ago asking about their show. I told her that no, we had not got married yet but were planning to do so this Friday, but would now put it off. So now we have talked to the TV people a couple of times and we are in the middle of interviewing for a spot on a season 4 episode of “My Big Redneck Wedding”. Tomorrow we will get up, go to work, then we have to go to the mud bog site where we will be getting married and take footage of the area and send it to them so that they can make their decision. So, needless to say, everything in my house is turned upside down right now and friends are coming out of the wood works like you wouldn't believe.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

another week another post

Well, I have made it through yet another week. I have worked everyday except for Saturday which is our family day and Sunday which is dedicated to church and worship. Monday was my bad day this week, I had to take my little girl to the doctor and spent the evening in the E.R. and was there most of the night. Yesterday was really relaxing ofter work. Today we got finished with our work, picked our daughter up from daycare, then went to church. My mother was supposed to go to church with us this evening but she had another migraine, she has had them constantly for the last 2 months. Saturday night I got engaged, we went and picked the rings out together and overall it was a great day. Other than that, there isn't a lot of new things going on. Leave me a comment and tell me how your week has gone.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

journal entry # 4

Today has been a long and tiring day. For starters, I received a phone call from my daughter's Pre-K teacher saying that my daughter hadn't been listening since the middle of last week. So needless to say my daughter is grounded. Grounded in our house means that she has to sit on the couch without anything to play or entertain herself with. She doesn't get to watch any cartoons or have any say in what we watch. So as I'm sitting here trying to concentrate and get part of my homework done, I am also listening to a 4 year old who is stuck on the couch. It's not that she is being bad, just that she is bored so she is feeling extra chatty today.
My fiance owns his own drywall company and I help him sometimes at work when he needs the extra help. Monday and Tuesday, none of his help showed up for work so I have been helping him this week and now my back is on fire and my arms feel like they are going to fall off. I am no wuss when it comes to pain. However, I am only 97 lbs. at 5' 7” so it is the fact that the boards are taller than I am by over 2 feet and they weigh almost ½ as much as I do.
And now I am going to get off of here and give my little girl a bath so that I can put her to bed soon and soak my sore muscles in a hot bath. Tomorrow will be even longer because I have to have my daughter at school by 8am then pick my mom up and take her to the school for career day followed by a Halloween party then off to work with the fiance again so that I can come home and do it again. It has been really nice here today weather wise, maybe if my daughter gets a good report tomorrow we can take her to the park after work.

Monday, October 25, 2010

been a buys week.

I have worked most of the week this week with my boyfriend doing drywall.  I was layed up for a few days due to a migraine headache which i get often.  Friday night we let our 4 year old stay next door with her best friend so that he & I could go to the haunted houses and out to dinner.  On our way to the 2 haunted houses we wanted to go to, I won 4 tickets off of a radio station to go to a different haunted house. We are still unsure weather we will go or not. We hate letting our little one spend the night anywhere. I don't have the apron strings that tight. However, if she is away from us, we miss her and that is 1 full day we miss of watching her grow up.  She is actually spending the night with another friend of hers tonight and the house is really quiet and boring. We don't get sitters alot for the simple fact that we'd rather not get a sitter just so we can go out, we'd rather take her to the park to play then maybe grab a pizza or a happy meal on the way home.  Okay, now I will quit babbling because this journal idea of mine has turned into a lonely momma's pity party for tonight.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

changes in life.

I am currently sitting in my father's living room working on my homework.  I was staying with my friends in that busy house but the truth is that I miss my mother and I can't see my daughter from where I was.  So, I will be moving back to Ky this thursday.  Keep in mind that my daughter is not biologically mine.  However, she is almost 5 years old, I have been there since she was just barely 2 years old and I am the only mom she has ever known.  I  am really excited that I will get to see her thursday evening when I get back to KY.  She has already called and asked if she can take a bath with Mommy when I get back into town and I am really looking forward to that.  Her father and are still friends and we have agreed that it is best not to have her calling different women Mommy throughout her life, so I am it.  I will stick around and love my little girl for the rest of my life.  I don't believe that I could ever love a biological child of my own any more than I love her.  She is the light of my life and the only reason I started going to college.  She likes being in beauty pageants and they are good for her.  I went back to school so that I could afford to let her stay in the pageants so that the pageants will pay for her college.  She has already won her first pageant and has $500.00 towards her college.  Well, I am tired and rambling so I am going to say goodnight.